Calcutta University Question Paper
Are you trying to find Calcutta University Question Paper in PDF? then you are on the genuine website to get question paper you want.
We have share everything associated with the Calcutta university exam here.
The suggestions are also uploaded here along with the question. The question of the past several years is available here. Read the post properly so that you can get all the information about Calcutta University Question Pattern. Here this is the Sample Question paper of all CU question paper. The question of the past many years is offered here. It will surely assist you to know the question pattern of upcoming Examinations. We have only one objective to post so that students can get all the right information. The only objective to publish the question paper on this blog is to help the students of General & Honours courses of all semester and exams to understand the question format. Here you can download original question paper in PDF. Download the question in PDF and take a print out. Best of luck!
Name of the Examination : Calcutta University Examination
Paper: Honours/ T (I)-Economics-H-1A
Year : 2021
Full Marks: 50
Subject :Economics(H)
Category : Calcutta University Question Paper
Calcutta University Economics Honours Paper
First Paper
(Group - A)
Full Marks : 50
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words
as far as practicable.
Section – A
Answer any five questions.
1. Define: (a) opportunity cost; (b) cost-benefit. 2+2
2. Describe the forces that move the market for a good towards equilibrium. 4
3. If demand is unit elastic how will a decline in price affect total revenue? 4
4. Explain the signs of cross price elasticity of demand for substitute and complimentary goods. 4
5. “Price control has efficiency costs.” Explain this statement by using either the case of price ceiling or price floor. 2+2
6. “Taxes on buyers and sellers are equivalent.” — Explain. 4
7. What is the principle of diminishing marginal utility? 4
8. Why do economists oppose policies that restrict trade among nations? 4
Section – B
Answer any five questions.
9. A flight company is studying the question of when to cancel flights for its Agartala to Bagdogra route.Flying nearly empty seats seems like bad business. The company wants to know the opportunity cost of going ahead with a scheduled round trip flight. There are two schedule flights per day.
The following are some relevant cost data :
Salaries of crew | — ` 1,000 per day |
Fuel | — ` 400 per round trip |
Mortgage on plane | — ` 100 per day |
Landing Flies | — ` 50 in Agartala — ` 100 in Bagdogra |
| |
Other-in-flight costs | — ` 100 per round trip |
Calculate the opportunity cost of each round trip. 6
10. The following table describes the production possibilities of two cities,
| Pairs of Red Socks per worker per hour | Pairs of White Socks per worker per hour |
Boston | 3 | 3 |
Chicago | 2 | 1 |
- (a) Without trade, what is the price of white socks (in terms of red socks) in Boston? What is the price in Chicago?
- (b) Which city has an absolute advantage in the production of each colour sock?Which city has a comparative advantage in the production of each colour sock?
- (c) If the cities trade with each other, which colour sock will each export? 2+2+2
11. Using supply demand diagrams show the market effect of the following events :
- (a) The cost of computer chips increases. At the same time, the income of people increases. Using graphs of market supply and demand curves, show what happens in the market for computers.
- (b) Bird flu forces the authority to cull chickens and scares the consumer from health risk. 3+3
- (a) Prove that weighted average of income elasticities is unity.
- (b) “An individual spends all income on goods X and Y. He spends 1⁄4th of his income on good X, whose income elasticity is 5. Hence good Y is an inferior good.”— State whether the statement is true or false. 3+3
13. A person always spends one third of his income on clothing. What are his
- (a) own-price elasticity,
- (b) cross-price elasticity and
- (c) income elasticities of demand? 2+2+2
- (a) You are trying to decide what to order :Drinking a lemon juice gives you marginal utility of 32, while drinking a cup of tea gives you a marginal utility of 27. Let the price of a lemon juice is ₹4 and the price of tea is ₹3. What will you order and why?
- (b) What will happen as a result of the good you order? Explain the relation between the behaviour of consumer and law of demand. 2+4
15. Consider a three-person city that is considering a fireworks display. ‘A’ is willing to pay ₹100 for the proposed fireworks display, while ‘B’ is willing to pay ₹30 and ‘C’ is willing to pay ₹20. The cost of the fireworks display is ₹120.
- (a) Will any single citizen provide the display on his own? Explain.
- (b) If the cost of the fireworks display is divided equally among the citizens, will a majority vote in favour of display? Explain.
- (c) Describe a transaction that would benefit all three citizens. 2+2+2
- (a) Explain what is meant by the term “free-rider”. Can an individual be a free-rider while consuming a public good?
- (b) Explain the tragedy of commons with an example. (3+1)+2
Calcutta University Question Paper 2021:
The University of Calcutta takes the entrance exam for selecting candidates. But now days CU published merit list according to obtain marks in previous exam. If any college takes entrance exam in order to admission then students should practice his/her subjects from previous year question paper as our website uploaded several years of question paper you will find in “page” name “CU” in our website. Therefore, all the students must download the Calcutta University Question Paper in PDF from this website or you can download question paper from official website of CU. Previous year question paper will help you to know the pattern of Calcutta university question paper. It can surely help you that what type of question can come in the admission test of CU or other exam like sem ester examination in CU. Therefore, it is very important for all the students to download.
Download Calcutta University Question Papers Last 10 Years in PDF.
Last 10 years Question Paper will help you to prepare for your upcoming Calcutta university examinations. You can download all subjects question paper for general and honours courses here. All papers coded like GE, CC-I, CC-II all these types of question paper you can download from this website as we upload all papers.
You can also download Old Question Papers of Semester Exams will help you to prepare the important topics which are recurrent in the exams. Therefore, in this content, we are giving full description on Calcutta University Question paper.
Question Papers of Calcutta University
The interested candidates who want to study any course from the university must fill the Calcutta University Application Form 2021. However, the admission for Graduate (Honours and General), Postgraduate and Ph.D. courses is on the basis on written entrance exam. So, the candidates should practice well for the entrance examination by solving Calcutta University MA Entrance Exam Question Papers in order to score good marks in the exam. Therefore, in this content, we are giving all important details regarding the Calcutta University Model Papers and general instructions for the candidates. So, it will surely help the students to get good marks in exam as well as in semester exam.
Therefore , interested candidates who want to download the question paper of Calcutta university all categories examination can download question paper easily by just clicking on “CLICK HERE” text which is given below. Apart from all question papers you will get sample papers for practice.
How to Download Question Papers of Calcutta University 2021?
It is very easy to get question paper of Calcutta university all examination. You can download all courses question paper Calcutta University BA(General & Hons)/B.Sc (General & Hons)/B.Com (General & Hons)/MA/Msc/M.Com
Entrance Model Papers are available in PDF format. Therefore, the candidates can download the previous year question papers and last 10 years question paper of various courses here or from the official website of the university. However, if you want to get good marks in exam then you should start focus on previous year question paper and start solving each paper of subject by himself/herself. Because these question papers are really beneficial for the students to know the actual pattern of the question paper and the important topics for the examination. Also, the candidates can download the Calcutta University Question Papers from the official website of the university.
If you to download Question Paper of Calcutta University from official website of Calcutta University you need to follow these steps given below
How To Download Calcutta University Question Paper :
· At First you have to visit the official website of Calcutta University and click on the section of “Students Corner”
· Then search for the Entrance exam and semester wise question papers you want along with the subject.
· After that click on the link , you are able to download the question papers.
· So, in the next step, you will find the link on the same page to download the question paper official site of Calcutta University.
· Click on the download link and wait for while and find out the document
· Finally, the candidates can access the question papers from their documents. Moreover, they should practice those question paper in order to secure a good rank in the examination.
Model test papers or previous year question paper are very important for those students who are currently a part of university. As they get lots of information about the pattern and get full knowledge of question paper pattern. However, students who are in part of any course in college which is under Calcutta University will get all pattern regarding question paper of CU.
So, if a candidate prepares himself/herself carefully through practicing model test papers and previous year question papers, then his/her chances of getting good marks increases. Therefore question papers are meant to make the candidates aware of the exam pattern for their upcoming examination. It is also increases the knowledge of time according to question numbers. Therefore, the students need to pay a full attention to solve the previous year question papers for the entrance exam.
Download question Paper in PDF Click Here
If you regularly solving the previous year question or model question paper, it will surely enhance your confidence level.
Therefore, the aspirants need to manage the time while practicing for the exam. Also, Time Management helps in scoring more marks and ultimately securing a good rank in the merit list. Therefore, the candidates must prepare by solving the Calcutta University Question Papers before appearing for the main exam.
Therefore , if you follow this steps of study move carefully or gradually it will sure help you to get secure marks in entrance exam as well as semester exams.
If you have any doubts, Please let me know.